Pro Bono

  • Enforcing financial rights - Every year we act for people experiencing financial abuse, exploitation, fraud and insurance disputes. Here are some de-identified cautionary tales from 2023.
  • Remedying wage theft - The underpayment of migrant workers in Australia is endemic. According to recent research by the Grattan Institute, migrants workers are 40 per cent more likely to be underpaid than long-term residents, with as many as 16 per cent currently paid less than the minimum wage. Here are 2 anonymised examples from 2023.
  • Slavery exists in Australia - According to the recent Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department Findings Report for the targeted review of modern slavery offences, the AFP received almost 300 reports of trafficking in persons, slavery and slavery-like practices in Australia in FY22. Logic suggests that the number of unreported cases is much higher. For over a decade, Clayton Utz has worked alongside Anti-Slavery Australia, the Trafficking and Slavery Safe House Program at the Salvation Army and others, to explore legal remedies for those brought to Australia and forced into unpaid work as domestic servants, low-paid work in the food and hospitality industries, or sexual servitude as "repayment" of trafficking debts.
  • Standing up for the right to a safe, secure home - As more people are facing housing and financial insecurity across Australia, we have helped prevent evictions and untangle complex legal needs to remove barriers to safe, secure housing. Here are just two examples from 2023 (names have been changed).
  • Supporting First Nations people and projects - We are committed to working with First Nations people to provide access to legal advice and representation and to support First Nations endeavours that create positive and lasting change. Here are some examples from 2023 (names have been changed).
  • Tackling unlawful discrimination - Every year we act for people who have been treated less favourably because of their background or certain personal characteristics. Here are some of their stories (names have been changed).
  • There's no excuse for elder abuse - Approximately 1 in 6 older Australians experience elder abuse in a given year, according to the National Elder Abuse Prevalence Study. Since 2020, we have acted for more than 80 elderly clients who were victims of financial abuse. During this time, we have heard some incredulous things from our client's adult children, like "But I wouldn't have looked after Mum without payment!", "When I agreed to the rest of their lives, I didn't know they would live so long" and "But it's my inheritance!" (spoken by a daughter about her mother who is very much alive). There is simply no excuse for elder abuse, and here are some anonymised examples from 2023.
  • Trauma-informed lawyering for victims of violent crime - Every year we provide trauma informed legal help to survivors of family violence and sexual assault and assist them to navigate complex State and Territory funded victim compensation schemes.
  • Workplace sexual harassment - Workplace sexual harassment is prevalent and pervasive. Every year we deliver client-centred, trauma informed support to people (disproportionately, women) who have been sexually harassed at work. Here are some of their stories (names have been changed).

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Clayton Utz communications are intended to provide commentary and general information. They should not be relied upon as legal advice. Formal legal advice should be sought in particular transactions or on matters of interest arising from this communication. Persons listed may not be admitted in all States and Territories.