Talia Lirosi

Clayton Utz
Special Counsel Melbourne

Talia specialises in restructuring and insolvency. She regularly advises banks, alternative lenders, financiers, debtors and insolvency practitioners in relation to enforcement, informal work-outs, restructures, non-performing loan sales and formal insolvency appointments across a range of sectors.

Notable Work
  • Advising Australia's largest bank in relation to (and receivers and managers appointed to) entities within the Porter Davis group (one of Australia's largest home builders).
  • Advised all major Australian banks in relation to security enforcement and asset realisation matters.
  • Advised the Australian Peabody Group with respect to its global restructure, including pre and post-Chapter 11 filing, implementation and emergence and on-going financing and contractual arrangements.
  • Advised the receiver and managers of Kikki.K (stationary brand) on the sale of its Australian business and assets.
  • Advised a large Australian mining services company in relation to the administration of two subsidiaries.
  • Advised Bankwest on a number of matters involving non-performing loans including advice with respect to asset realisations.
  • Advised an Australian Financier on debtor financing transactions and enforcement of non-performing loans.
  • Advises offshore funds with respect to senior and mezzanine financing (in particular in the property and construction industry).
  • Advised private credit funds across multiple debt trades, primary lends and formal insolvency processes (administrations, receiverships, controllerships and liquidations) involving assets / projects across Victoria, NSW, Queensland and Tasmania.
  • Advises investors and financiers in respect of special situations generally including in connection with Dyldam Group and Traffic Technologies Limited.
  • Advised Nomura on its acquisition of Howard Mortgage Fund loans.
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