Media Release: Clayton Utz brings fresh talent to Forensic & Technology Services team with new director, William Howe

17 Jun 2022
Time to read: 1 minutes

Clayton Utz continues to attract new talent to our Forensic & Technology Services (FTS) team, with data analytics specialist William Howe joining us this week as a Director.

William brings to our firm international and broad industry experience, with a focus on advising clients (particularly in the financial services sector) on remediation, regulatory data governance and financial crime compliance and investigations.

William has also supported clients with digital transformation efforts including automation, regtech, AI and customer analytics. Consistent with the solution-driven approach of our FTS team, William also develops technology products and services that drive transformation and help solve clients' business issues.

His most recent role was with KPMG Advisory in Sydney, where he was Director, Financial Services Technology Data and Analytics.

Commenting on William's appointment, FTS National Practice Group Leader, Paul Fontanot, said:

We're thrilled to bring William on board at a time when we're experiencing increasing demand from our clients for data analytics services, including advice on how they can best optimise their data within the scope of regulatory requirements. His experience will complement the broader services our team offers.

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