Insights for November 2022

01/11/2022 - COVID-19 business interruption insurance claims: the outcome of the Test Case process 04/11/2022 - COP27 preview: the challenges of implementation, and what we can expect 04/11/2022 - New workplace laws: Secure Jobs, Better Pay – what, when and how? 10/11/2022 - A new strategy for water security in the NT – have your say 10/11/2022 - A tale of two emails: Disclosure of parts of privileged documents may result in a waiver 10/11/2022 - Copyright licensing 01: Navigating the Copyright Tribunal 10/11/2022 - Costly conduct: a further insight into QCAT’s approach to awarding legal costs 10/11/2022 - Environment and Sustainable Development 5 Minute Fix 32: ozone layer, nuclear energy, hydrogen, water, biodiversity and planning 10/11/2022 - COP27, week one: an implementation race gets off to a flying start 14/11/2022 - ACCC recommends new measures for digital platforms to address “significant” harms 15/11/2022 - COP27: Article 6’s carbon markets mechanism strikes back 15/11/2022 - Incoming amendments to the Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Act 1992 (NT) 15/11/2022 - Two Bored Apes walk into an NFT marketplace… and test the limits of intellectual property rights 15/11/2022 - Your chance to shape the proposed SOCI Act Risk Management Program Rules 17/11/2022 - ASIC launches first case testing crypto regulation powers 17/11/2022 - Major Projects & Construction 5 Minute Fix 110: directors' and employees' liability, Domestic Building Contracts Act, proportionate liability regime 17/11/2022 - NSW's Retail Leases Act is under review – make a submission or complete the survey by 9 December 2022 17/11/2022 - COP27: creating new forms of carbon dioxide removals proving to be a challenge 24/11/2022 - COP27: Sharm El-Sheikh Implementation Plan agreed, but leaves more work for COP28 24/11/2022 - It’s time to determine the fate of the BNPL industry 24/11/2022 - M&A Report November 2022 24/11/2022 - What is the National Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Child Sexual Abuse 2021-2030 and how will it affect businesses? 25/11/2022 - Financial Accountability Regime delayed as the Government reconsiders civil penalties for individuals 30/11/2022 - Copyright licensing 02: the Copyright Tribunal’s powers to grant licence terms, and its effect on your licence strategy 30/11/2022 - Signed, sealed, emailed: service by electronic communication and setting aside statutory demands 30/11/2022 - WA security of payment reforms: liens over unfixed plant and equipment